By Two Sisters
Mask For Causes
We fundraise and donate face masks and supplies to charities
What do we do? We are youths aiming to help during and after the Covid 19 pandemic. We buy in bulk, and then donate and deliver high quality non-medical face masks and supplies to charities.
A Mask for Everyone
Choose a design that works for your organization
Materials & Design:
Antibacterial knitted fabric, mask 100% cotton, elastic fabric ensuring fit and comfort.
Ear loop is 95% polyester, 5% spandex. Washable, maintain effectiveness after 30 washes
New Available Colors:
Black, white, navy blue, royal blue, pink, minty green, light gray
Bulk quantity 1,000+. Individually wrapped with customizable insert with care instructions.
UVA projection 98.6%, UVB protection 99.6%, Bacterial filter efficiency up to 95%
Personalize by adding your logo/slogan or leave them unlabeled. Adult and child (<10 yrs) sizes.
We are proud to team with the Burlingame High School CPR/First Aid Club. We fundraised and assembled First Aid Kits for COVID impacted families.

Nakia (recently adopted ) and Becca (Pets In Need behavior specialist) wearing a blue facemask.
**Photo courtesy of Pets in Need
Supporting Veteran Auxiliary Post 105. Lindsey and Ana with Vice Commander George Smith.
Honored to volunteer at Kind Hearts for You’s November distribution and donate face masks.

Honored our veterans wore our donated face masks at POW/MIA Recognition Day
Supporting Destination: Home
Watch our video: Learn what we do
Charities — To request face mask and supply donations, please email maskforcausesinfo@gmail.com.