April 2020 - Can kids help in a pandemic?

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Helping With

Face Masks

Summer camps are in flux and travel plans are canceled or restricted. We have sheltered in place for weeks! The news is scary. My little sister used to think masks were scary, but with no current vaccine, social distancing is important. People are starting to wear masks everywhere to the store and even to ride a bike.

I thought of donating face masks after my aunt gave a firsthand account of her overrun medical clinic. She is an internal medicine physician and had to catch a patient who passed out from Covid 19 symptoms. She was wearing protective gear and a mask and fortunately did not get infected. Aunt Lily was a great support when I shared my idea to start a website and charity donating non-medical face masks. When the academic year went pass/fail, I started my website.

Since I am not allowed to socialize with anyone outside the family, I had to let my sister help. At first, she annoyed me, but over the weeks we started to plan together and do some activities. Ana is more creative than me and likes to create pictures for the website. She wants to write a story about this summer.



Helping Your Parents

(During Quarantine)

Have you ever wondered how to help your parents? Well these three choices will satisfy your parent’s expectations.
First, you do the dishes. You parents get so annoyed that you use so many plates, bowls, and silverware. For example help them out by scrubbing vigorously on the gadgets used to eat. Then dry them so after that your parents will have a big smile instead of a big load and pile of dishes. That will really satisfy your parents.
Second, you vacuum crumbs. After you eat a snack I guaranteed you’re going to make crumbs. The crumbs will drive you parents mad and you will wish you never ate food. So help them out by vacuuming the crumbs. If you also clean your siblings crumbs then that’s going to make your parents happier. But don’t make excuses like “Well, I didn’t make that mess, it was my sister or brother”
Last but not least, organize the kitchen drawers. You never know what’s in there. Maybe rotting potatoes or sugar taking over. So help out and remove all these putrid objects and organize the drawers. That’s why we need to organize.
This is how you make your parents happy. I guarantee they will be proud of what you accomplished.

~ Ana


May/June 2020 - Raising money and Planning in the time of Covid


Mar 2020 - The Covid 19 blues