May/June 2020 - Raising money and Planning in the time of Covid

Ana and I had a fun time make a video together to introduce our charity. Fundraising during the time of Covid is challenging. It is difficult to ask for money when you can’t see people in person, so we made phone calls and sent letters and emails requesting donations. It is also hard for people to give during this difficult time. Ana is only ten, but seems decent at fundraising through family and close friends. It helps to have friends that have bought Ana’s girl scout cookies for years! We wrote scripts and presented our idea with good result. We are still practicing and improving.

The exciting news is that two charities have requested face masks! The non-profits want to give the masks to their own volunteer, staff and people supporting their mission.


My sister and I made a video or our charity. Lindsey put my voice and pictures to a video with music. It is pretty cool! Our goal is to help protect people with face masks. We found a company that can produce the masks in bulk. That means if we buy in large quantity (1,000+), we can get the masks for as low as $2/ each. The masks usually sell for $7-10. The masks are high quality. They are not like those mediocre masks that hurt your ears. We don’t personally know 1,000 people, but we will donate the masks to charities.

I have been asking for money to buy our face masks through friends, neighbors, and family! Please give a donation to this great cause.



June 2020 - Outreach and My research


April 2020 - Can kids help in a pandemic?