June 2020 - Outreach and My research

Youth Outreach

When we first started this project, I thought giving away free masks would be easy. However, finding partner charities can be challenging because people are not always interested in talking to kids. Since we are youth, some people do not take us seriously. This month I contacted a charity and said we wanted to donate face masks for free. The man called me back immediately. When he found out I was a kid, he was suddenly NOT interested. He certainly thought I was going to prank him. I had to show that I was genuine. Gen Z’s don’t always have the best reputation, but we CAN help if we have ideas and show sincerity.

~ Lindsey

My Research: Reasons why wearing a mask is important?

  1. Wearing masks are important in public places where it is hard to keep 6 feet social distance.

  2. Reduces the spread of germs.

  3. Helps cover water droplets from coughs and sneezes

  4. Helps protect other people from illness

What are ways governors are encouraging people to wear masks?

1. You can’t enter stores unless you wear a masks.

2. Businesses cannot open unless they require face masks.

3. They encourage people to wear face masks in the news and through health clinic and hospitals.

People refuse to wear face masks because they may think

  1. Covid is not a big threat and they won’t catch it.

  2. Masks feel uncomfortable (too young) or they can’t breath (medical reasons).

  3. Masks look scary and cover emotions for hearing impaired.

  4. It is a constitutional right that they chose not to.

~ Ana


July 2020 - Getting our first delivery of masks


May/June 2020 - Raising money and Planning in the time of Covid